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Porvoon ympäristöterveydenhuolto

After food premises have been approved or their notifications have been processed, they will be subject to the systematic monitoring and control operations of the Environmental Health Services.

Our monitoring and control activities involve inspections, sampling, and providing advice and guidance. We primarily perform the inspections according to the Oiva assessment guidelines, and the inspection results will be published.

The frequency of the inspections depends on the risk assessment made for each site. When making our risk assessment, we will follow the principles of the national food control programme. The operators can also influence the inspection frequency through their own-checks. Regular inspections are subject to a fee.

In addition to regular inspections, we may also inspect food premises based on complaints or suspected food poisonings, for example.

When carrying out food control operations, we may resort to coercive measures to ensure food safety.

Basic control fee

In addition to inspection fees, we also charge the basic control fee from all control sites (premises being monitored). The fees allow us to also provide advisory food control.

We will charge all control sites in the Food Control register a basic control fee of EUR 150 in the form of a tax-like payment.

We do not charge the fee from

  • registered primary production sites,
  • village shops,
  • non-profit institutions, or
  • operators that supply small amounts of natural game or uninspected game meat directly to consumers or local retail shops or supply small amounts of reindeer meat or jerky.

We charge the basic control fee annually from all control sites that are included in the control register on the first day of the calendar year.

If premises are added to our control operations in the middle of a calendar year, we will not charge the basic fee for the year of registering.

If you submit a notification of the termination of operations in the middle of the calendar year, the charging of the control fee will end at the start of the following calendar year. Please submit the notification in writing.

What is a village shop?

Village shops are food premises in a sparsely populated rural area, rural heartland area, rural area adjacent to a city or local centre of a rural area that are located at least 7.5 kilometres away from the nearest grocery shop or otherwise difficult to reach. The annual sale of groceries amounts to less than EUR 2 million in a village shop.

What is a non-profit institution?

‘Non-profit institution’ refers to a non-profit institution as referred to in Section 22 of the Income Tax Act (1535/1992).