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Forms and instructions of Food Control

Please note: The forms and instructions may still have some issues with accessibility.

Selling food at events, large public events and other temporary occasions

A registered mobile sales point must announce its arrival to the food control authorities of the region where the sales will occur. You can submit the notification using the following form:

Please note: The operations must be registered before participating in the first event.
Instructions for temporary sales:

The organiser of a large public event should notify the Environmental Health Services using a designated form.

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Setting up food premises; changing or ceasing operations

Please submit a written notification of setting up food premises, changing operators, or pausing or ceasing the operations.

You can submit the notification via the Ilppa e-services

Alternatively, you can fill in the form and submit it to the Environmental Health Services. The notification must include the floor plan of the food premises.

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Approval for food premises

A food sector operator who processes animal-source food before wholesales must apply for the approval of food premises before starting the operations.
You can submit the application using a form prepared by the Environmental Health Services.

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Instructions for own-checks

‘Own-check’ refers to the operator’s own system through which they aim to ensure that the food is safe and compliant with food legislation.
Registered food premises can use our own-check templates where applicable and add their own information on them.

Environmental Health Services have also prepared specific instructions for taking samples during own-checks.

Instructions on health statements and salmonella certificates

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Primary Production

The Environmental Health Services must be notified of primary production operations. We must also be notified of any relevant changes, pausing the operations for more than a year, and ceasing the operations.

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Food transport operations

The Environmental Health Services must be notified of professional food transport operations. You can submit the notification via the Ilppa e-services or a form of the Environmental Health Services.

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Contact materials

Contact material operators must submit a notification to the Environmental Health Services of their place of operation and the operations taking place there. You can submit the notification via the Ilppa e-services or a form of the Environmental Health Services.

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Nicotine products and tobacco

Selling tobacco products

Selling tobacco products requires a valid sales permit and an own-check plan. You can apply for the permit via Valvira’s e-services.

Selling nicotine products

Selling nicotine products requires a valid sales permit and an own-check plan. You can apply for the permit through a sales permit application submitted to the Environmental Health Services.

Large public events

Submitting a notification

The organiser of a large public event should notify the Environmental Health Services using a designated form.

Food sellers must also submit a notification of their selling operations. A registered mobile sales point must announce its arrival to the food control authorities of the region where the sales will occur.

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